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School Meals

We are really lucky to have a kitchen on site where all school meals are cooked freshly each day.

The cost of meals is £2.50 per day, £12.50 per week. There are always options within the menu and pupils have the opportunity to add salad to their choice.

Current Menu

School dinners should be paid for weekly via our safe online payment system called Parent Pay. If you have any issues with accessing your account then please let the office know. 

Free school meals are provided for the children of parents who qualify and those children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.  Details of how to apply may be acquired from the School Office, or you can click the link to apply online: It must be stressed that all information is confidential.

Our catering providers are Whole School Meals:

Packed Lunches

At Mundella we encourage pupils to get into healthy habits. As well as ensuring that fruit and bagels are available every morning for all pupils, we actively expect packed lunches to be healthy and balanced.

Our "Five Star Lunch Box" should consist of -

Where possible; either as part of the filling for a sandwich or a vegetable option, protein should be included within the meal.

Pupils will have ample opportunity to eat and drink other items therefore we thank you for ensuring that packed lunches fit this model.

We do not expect to see pupils eating high sugar or salt products before school and would prefer sweets and treats to remain off the school premises at the end of the day.

Please pop in if you have any questions.

Our Five Star Lunch Box

Check out this website for further information to support your choices.

Healthy Eating for Children